Securing Your Dedicated Server: Essential Tips

Securing Your Dedicated Server

Website security should be the top priority of an individual or an organization when hosting websites or applications. The pandemic led to an increase in digitization with the increase in cybersecurity breaches.

Many organizations these days consider dedicated servers to host their business-critical data. While hosting the data on a dedicated server hosting UAE has several advantages like robust infrastructure and exuberant support, it has some security limitations as well.

According to reports, businesses report $4 billion of losses worldwide due to cyber attacks. Hence, if you want to secure the website hosted on dedicated servers, here are some of the tips to follow.

Additionally, when considering options for hosting solutions, comparing dedicated servers with alternatives such as VPS hosting is crucial. For instance, evaluating the VPS hosting price in UAE can provide a better understanding of the cost-effectiveness and benefits each hosting type offers.

Why Is the Security of Dedicated Servers Important?

One of the many advantages of dedicated servers, and the reason they are so well-liked, is that you have total control over your server. Let’s discuss some of the major server security reasons that you must follow.
Preventing malware on your server

  • Preventing password leaks
  • Defending your server from software defects
  • Preventing DDoS attacks
  • Preventing all the cyber security attacks

Ways to Secure Your Dedicated Server

Below are some of the measures that ensure dedicated server security.

1. Keep Malware off Your Server

Malware is a particular kind of program used to breach information. The majority of the time it is concealed and distributed alongside trustworthy programs or scripts. When it’s on your server, it gathers your data, and selecting a web hosting company provides ongoing vulnerability assessment and live server tracking. It is the perfect way to protect your server apps from malware.

2. Install Security Patches and Updates

One of the common weaknesses hackers take advantage of is its outdated software. Most of the app developers deploy security updates regularly. If there are any faults in the safety of their programs, it requires an immediate fix. In such cases, managed dedicated hosting service providers provide technical assistance to fix bugs.

They will also install patches and website security updates for better performance. When you opt for a managed dedicated server, the web host takes care of applying the security patches.

3. Employ DDoS Protection

Using a distributed denial of service assault, it is possible to take down entire websites or entire servers. There is an influx of unexpected traffic that causes your server to give way and crash. The majority of the time, they are designed to cause financial harm to the targeted business. The importance of preventing DDoS attacks cannot be overstated since they render your website or web apps inaccessible to your users.

DDoS attacks can only be defended against by choosing a dedicated server with DDoS protection. DDoS protection is built-in to these servers, so they monitor all incoming traffic. If malicious traffic is detected on your server, connection requests are redirected. Additionally, valid traffic is allowed to proceed, ensuring that your users won’t encounter any interruptions.

4. Have A Strict Password Policy

Your dedicated server is more susceptible to potential cyber threats if you use a weak password. To generate a strong password, you can use a password generator which includes passwords having uppercase and lowercase characters, random numbers, and symbols. Avoid using simple words and try to have a strong password to prohibit data breaches.

It would help if you changed all passwords regularly as it eliminates the possibility of hackers intruding on your password. Consider enhancing your accounts with two-factor authentication in addition to this security step. Your dedicated server will be protected from unauthorized access in this manner.

5. Protect Database From SQL Injections

SQL injections target the server database. It contains crucial data and any information related to the database or business. Don’t allow it to get stolen if hackers have access to it. Remove unused services and easily exploitable files from the database to reduce risk.

Final Words

Your dedicated server is a powerful tool, but like any powerful tool, it needs proper security measures in place. By following the essential tips outlined in this blog, you can create a robust defense system that shields your server from malicious attacks and keeps your data safe. Remember, security is an ongoing process. Stay vigilant, prioritize updates, and adapt your strategies as new threats emerge. With dedication and the right practices, you can ensure your server remains a secure haven for your applications and data.

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